MARS AIF WAV 167k hard-edged rock / fusion BUS NO COME AIF WAV 166k jazz-tinged rock 245 AIF WAV 135k punk-like rock LIVE BY EXAMPLE AIF WAV 177k fusion w/ funk chops LOVE CANAL AIF WAV 181k fierce punk / latin... AMERICA AIF WAV 220k solid funk / rock COME OVER ME AIF WAV 210k guitar reggae groove MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON AIF WAV 222k slow world-beat feel ORIGINAL TROOP AIF WAV 209k rock embraces African rhythms BLOODSTONE BURN AIF WAV 184k slow ska groove WATER THE ROOTS AIF WAV 140k high-energy funk / fusion LONG SEXY SHOWERS AIF WAV 243k dripping wet groove...
These sound files were edited to give you a feel for the musical range that each song encompasses, and compressed to 8 bit, 8 Khz sampling rate. Sound helper applications are available to play back sound on your system, most of which are either free or shareware.
(C)1995 Changing Tones. All rights reserved.
E-mail us with questions or comments.
Updated 16-Aug-95.