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Tactus Publishing


Check out the sample sound clips.

Here is some music available for mechanical licensing through TACTUS PUBLISHING. If you find something of interest, or you want more information, contact us.

Sound Clips

MARS                  AIF    WAV 167k  hard-edged rock / fusion

BUS NO COME           AIF    WAV 166k  jazz-tinged rock

245                   AIF    WAV 135k  punk-like rock

LIVE BY EXAMPLE       AIF    WAV 177k  fusion w/ funk chops

LOVE CANAL            AIF    WAV 181k  fierce punk / latin...

AMERICA               AIF    WAV 220k  solid funk / rock

COME OVER ME          AIF    WAV 210k  guitar reggae groove

MOUNTAINS OF THE MOON AIF    WAV 222k  slow world-beat feel 

ORIGINAL TROOP        AIF    WAV 209k  rock embraces African rhythms

BLOODSTONE BURN       AIF    WAV 184k  slow ska groove

WATER THE ROOTS       AIF    WAV 140k  high-energy funk / fusion

LONG SEXY SHOWERS     AIF    WAV 243k  dripping wet groove...

These sound files were edited to give you a feel for the musical range that each song encompasses, and compressed to 8 bit, 8 Khz sampling rate. Sound helper applications are available to play back sound on your system, most of which are either free or shareware.

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(C)1995 Changing Tones. All rights reserved.
E-mail us with questions or comments. Updated 16-Aug-95.